Sithole SS Groep van Maatskappye en Vennote...


We are now registered Partners to distribute, sell, support and train users on the ultimate Case Management Software, App4Legal.

Track Your Data In One Single Place
Track your Corporate Legal Data, Legal Documents, Contacts, Cases, Case Notes, Tasks, Reminders, Time, Opponent Lawyers, Expenses, Invoices, Clients, Providers & much more in one single Place that is accessible to your team members.

Re-Engineer Your Business Process & Build Your Workflow
Fine-tune your Case & Task lifecycles to implement your Business Processes in App4Legal. Setup your Case Statuses & Task Statuses easily. Default your Values. Add, edit or remove steps from your workflow for better monitoring.

Access To Your Data Anytime, Anywhere!
Access to App4Legal Database from any device. All that you need is a modern browser. Internally, on your server, access to it from your Intranet network or, externally, via a secure connection. On demand, access to it online over Internet.                                           

Sithole SS Group of Companies and Partners...

Is gestig om 'n volledige besigheid pakket aan te bied, wat sal help met die ontwikkeling van groeiende privaat ondernemings, asook die openbare sektor organisasies in Suid-Afrika.

SitholeSS voorsien die volgende dienste:

"Management Consulting, Project Management, ICT Audits, Solution Development, SAP R3 Business by Design, Implementation, Implementation Review, SAP R3 Sales, Web Hosting with Email and Site Development (eCommerce Enabled), Payroll Management, Secretarial Services, Internal Auditing, Reviews, Investigations and Forensic audits, Regulatory Compliance audits, Tax Structuring Reconciliation, Accounting Services, Taxation, Asset Management Review and Compliance, Business Strategy and StartUp Services, Employment Equity & Skills Development, Corporate Finance, Mergers and Acquisitions."

Deur middel van strategiese alliansies, het die Groep van krag tot krag gegroei, wat gestaaf word deur die professionele reputasie wat opgebou is deur die firma in die verskeie areas van bedryf.
'n Maatskappy se strategie is noodsaaklik, aangesien dit ons instaat stel om 'n dinamiese program te volg wat gerig is op spesifieke kwessies wat by 'n kliënt geidentifiseer is. 

SitholeSS bied 'n omvattende portefeulje van professionele kundigheid, wat ontwerp is, om organisasies in staat te stel om op die hoogste vlak moontlik te funksioneer.

'n Sterk IT-strategie lei tot verbeterde sakeprosesse wat direk aanleiding gee tot effektiewe en verbe-terde prestasie en winsgewendheid. 


Sithole SS het geregistreer as om 'n SAP vennoot te word.


Specail Projects

Visit this section to see previous special projects participated in.

Vehicle Testing equipment.


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